Aviation Conversion Tools

 version 0.1

Table of contents


Aviation Conversion Tool plugin allows user to convert values such as distance, coordinate and speed among various formats and units of measure that are commonly used in aviation industry.

GitHub repository: AviationConverterTool


To convert value from one unit of measure to another one or from one format to another one just:

  1. Enter value in soource/original unit of measure or format.
  2. Choose soource/original and desired unit of measure if necessary - for distance and speeds conversion.
  3. Hit convert button to convert value to desired unit of measure or format.

In case source value is not valid or in not supported format (example longitude), message with error will be shown, for example:

For more information about supported coordnate formats refer to Supported coordinates formats chapter.

Supported coordinates formats

Supported coordinate formats:

Coordinates - to decimal degrees

Following coordinates format are supported when converting from DMS (degrees, minutes, second) to DD (decimal degrees):

Coordinates - from decimal degress

Decimal degrees format is only allowed, examples: 23.5555, -123.5555

Encode ARINC424