Polygons From CSV

 version 0.1

Table of contents


PolygonsFromCSV plugin allows user to create polygons based on polygon name (ident) and vertices (nodes) coordinates stored in CSV (comma-separated values) file.

GitHub repository: PolygonsFromCSV


To create polygons from CSV file just:

  1. Open PolygonsFromCSV plugin.
  2. Click button to select an input CSV file.
  3. The plugin will automatically detect CSV fields based on a specified delimiter by drop down list
    You can change the delimiter to the one that corresponds to the actual delimiter in the input CSV file.
  4. Use drop down lists to assign CSV fields to variables that will construct polygons: Polygon name, Longitude, Latitude.
  5. Press button to create polygons.
  6. Memory layer with polygons will be added to the map canvas.
    Notice that the name of the memory layer is created automatically according to pattern:
    [year]_[month]_[day_of_month]_[hour][minute][microsecond as a decimal number] example: 2021_03_15_0741401160
  7. Click button with path to import log file to see the log.

Supported coordinate formats

Following coordinate formats are supported:

Input data structure


Output data structure

Polygons are stored in memory layer with one field: POLE_NAME, type sting, lenght 100.

Import log file

Import log file is created in the same directory as input csv file.
Following rule is apllied to create import log file name: [year]-[month]-[day_of_month]-[hour][minute][second]_Import_[input CSV file name].log example: 2021-03-21-222206_Import_Polygons.log
Import log file contains following information:
